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Thursday, March 3, 2011

I can see clearly now....

....and the rain has gone, well almost  What a perfect way to end another hot day !
I am sitting listening to the evening rain. It's so peaceful....just as my home. Yep, you guessed it, my children are sleeping.
The tonsils are finally making an improvement, but they did keep me guessing until late this afternoon. Playing it safe, my youngest will be resting at home again tomorrow... that is one very long week.  I think I finally got to close my eyes at 4.30am this morning. We had an extremely rough night. I lied awake watching him toss and turn, cry and wince,  struggling to sleep. All I could think of was.... the tonsils must go.  I guess, when I do finally crash at night, I am usually so exhausted, that most of the time I do not hear my boy and his apnoea. But I was watching carefully last night. Observing his breathing purely because I couldn't sleep..he was way too restless. I guess that's what happens when your body is used to not sleeping.... you adapt.  I have been reading a lot about this particular procedure (knowledge is power) and what to expect, but as everyone is different, it will be a case of wait and see. The more I discuss it with friends, whose children have also had their tonsils removed, the more I am convinced I can get my boy through all of this. 

Today I was extremely lucky to be surrounded by good friends and great conversation, a surprise lunch and a much needed laugh.The group of women I am referring to have been great friends for a long time. We first met when our children were all in the same Preschool class. Time has passed by, much too quickly, as we have watched them grow and change. They are all in year 7 now, it's so hard to believe!
During those years, these girls have always supported me. They have been shoulders to cry on, willing listeners and supportive advisers. But I must say the best part about our "circle of friendship" is the laughter. We have shared some really funny moments... especially when there is a few bottles of Vino involved.
So even though the week has been tiring, dealing with sick kids and hearing of tragic news, the girls can always be relied on to bring a smile to my face. 
Friendship is a powerful gift and I thank each and everyone of you !

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