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Wednesday, November 23, 2011



This is getting flippin' ridiculous now!  Life with my youngest... while experimenting with Behaviour Medication, has been to say the least, an experience I will remember for a VERY, VERY, LONG TIME.
I haven't been able to Blog, due to the extreme exhaustion I am feeling.  Now it could be all the specialists appointments, lack of respite, or the "craziness" of the Christmas season.... but when I need sleep the most, it eludes me. Our family is now on Week 3 on trialling the medication.  Let's recap; Week 1 - youngest sleeping for 3-4 hours a night!, spoke to specialists and have determined that the medication is spiking his "racing-mind" at night making it extremely difficult for him to wind down. Affecting the moods and temperament of his older brother and myself.  Week 2 - managed to get the youngest into a routine of 6-7 hours of sleep a night, but his school are concerned that the medication dose is too low - as he is still very inconstant in his ability to focus.  Week 3 - Bouncing from being so spaced out, slipping in and out of absent stares constantly, biting his nails uncontrollably but only when on medication and spiking his Autistic traits once the medication wears off. We are also back to 5 hours sleep.  But while at school, he is more compliant to complete worksheets and get "desk" work done.

Now I have already had my yearly appointment with Professor Tony Attwood, who has offered interesting insight - as he always does. Our focus will be to follow up with a Sleep E.E.G to determine the function of his brainwave patterns, especially when he is sleeping..... and Music Therapy. I am venturing into a new type of intervention  next year. I have done a lot of research and I think this will offer something we haven't had yet with my youngest.  So in the mean time..... I have a follow up appointment with Professor Attwood and the youngest's Pediatrican, obviously waiting on an appointment for the sleep E.E.G from the hospital, an appointment with the Rehabilitation Physiotherapist regarding his toe-walking and finally another hearing test at the Neurosensory unit tomorrow.  It does seem like a lot but I am trying to wind all these appointments up before December hits.  Besides my youngest never copes too well with the end of the year school celebrations. The Christmas Craziness of school concerts and changes in routines, the preparation of classrooms for the following year; taking down colourful work, moving desks, moving rooms etc etc.  It can be way too difficult for him to cope with as he simply cannot understand what is going on around him.  Over the years it has been suggested that many parents simply finish their ASD child earlier in the term before all the sensory overloading occurs.  That will happen with us to a degree. The yearly  Year 1/2 Swimming Carnival is on tomorrow..... one event my youngest is not going to attend (joint decision between myself and his supports). But honestly, knowing I will then have both my children home for a duration of 8 weeks over the summer holidays, with no respite, all to myself - no breaks, no sleep, no time-out..... I wanted to try and use the next week and a half left of the school term as simply time for me, preparation for Christmas or just take the opportunity to relax.  But.... we cannot all have what we wish for and if my son needs to come home early or have time off in the next two weeks... so be it.
I certainly will not be giving him the behaviour medication while he is at home. I realise I will have a few days of challenging behaviour but I believe he will settle again and I know I can get him back into a routine. Besides.... I think lots of swimming, fun, visits to South bank, Christmas Fireworks, visits to the Beach will be just what he needs.  Moments of 
fun and activity. I know where he will melt-down; shopping centres, crowds, being forced into an unknown situation..... so I will just have to be VERY ORGANIZED and PLAN, PLAN, PLAN!  Well sounds impressive doesn't it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011



While I take refuge in my Happy Place...feel free to find Wally!

It's not that I have abandoned my responsibilities to Blogging.....
the business of life has kept me at bay.
When challenges or storms "Rise Up"....
clarity and direction comes from solitude.....
So Greetings from my Happy Place.... where everything becomes clear.