I came across three really impressive web pages tonight.
The first is a personal favourite and a topic close to my heart. A recent ABC report on funding cutting and the lack of support for Australian children on the Autistic Spectrum. With up and coming government cuts.... who better to answer the questions of ramifications for ASD children being forced into mainstream schooling with no support..... than Professor Tony Attwood.
The second was a bit of a surprise. The new site launched by Education Queensland on ASD. It's quite informative too!
The following article appears in this months' Woman's Weekly. My son's Teacher Aide told me about it. A Sydney Mum and author of a new book, discusses her son's journey and life with Autism. With numbers of children affected climbing every day.... I'm happy to see this article featured!
The final is a link to the ABC and its Production, FOUR CORNERS.
It features a story highlighting the possible link between Autism and a Bacteria found in the Gut.
This again is a very interesting report. I first learnt of this "Gut Bacteria" back in January from a Canadian Neuroscience Report. After a lot of research, I decided then to try my son on a tonic, which has been around for hundreds of years.....colloid silver. It is a type of natural antibiotic, which can kill any harmful bacteria within our bodies.
Does it work.....?
Well, "Yes".... I feel with him, it has been a great boost to his immune system. However it will not stop your child from getting sick. But yes... it has been, I believe, responsible for getting him off the "antibiotic" cycle, when he did get become unwell.
Check out the above links and do not hesitate to post comments.
I would really like to read some opinions.