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Monday, February 28, 2011

Ode to Motherhood

"Life's journey is easier when you hear a friends footsteps beside you...."

Today I had some very sad news. 
A beautiful mother and friend lost her son to teenage suicide. He was only 17 yrs old.
My family was lucky to have this caring woman in our lives, working with my son.
As time passed we all became close, discussing our boys and the challenges we faced both as sole parents. 
When it's hard to find the right words, the choice just to walk beside....
hopefully will be enough.

A message to my family and friends, if I haven't told you recently... hear me know when I say  how grateful I am to have your support, friendship, loyalty and love. 
I've taken time today just to hug my kids, listen to their words, cherish them in silence. 
Appreciate what you have....

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