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Thursday, October 27, 2011



It's 4am..... 
Why is it that when you are really tired....
you just can't sleep?

I am an intelligent person. I know I need sleep to function at my best....
Yes it has been a challenging start to the week but...
We rose up and are positive.
I'm still running each day.
I'm happy.
I'm feeling balanced....

I just can't sleep!

Maybe my youngest sons restless traits are an uncontrollable disease?
Maybe I need to be quarantined from them for 48 hours?  
Ha!..... I wish

...and before those closet to me comment.... no I haven't been drinking too much coffee!

I have tried....
Meditation to relax....
Reading before bed....that usually knocks me straight out!
Study... another sure fire sleep enhancer!
Exercising a lot.... not a huge fan of that one!
Relaxing Music.
Extra vitamins...especially B.... (will get to that later)

Oh ....O.k.
A glass of wine or two.....
or three!

....not sure.
No chemical solutions either....I am a single Mum. 
(Looks funny underneath a clip of wine... but anyhow!)

Obviously not a fan of sleep this week so I'm putting out the Suggestion Box.....

Please feel free.

...(you would think Blogging would knock me out too huh!..... wrong.)

Time to watch the sun rise...
an added bonus!

1 comment:

Raeblogs said...

Hmmmm. Most of the comments I got, I couldn't exactly publish.