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Friday, April 13, 2012


The following is a report on Autism by A Current Affair.....
Please view.

Then a photo of my son.....

These chairs are a great sensory resource.....
They cost $500 in Bunnings Hardware.
We cannot get funding to pay for one of when we visit...we have a swing.

The Federal and State Disability Departments give NOTHING in the way of funding
resources to Autistic children who are over 7 years of age!

We should know.....
My boys and I have been applying for funding assistance for the previous 6 years.
Yes my son qualified for the Autism Package..... but at that time, 
resources like this were not considered valid enough to claim!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you tried looking for grants? from the local hardware stores to help? I do fundraising at our school: for our music program and our autism program. Ask if the your child's school will help do a duct tape fundraiser. duct tape teachers to the wall for a good cause. "Stuck for a Buck" ask hardware stores for duct tape. do a web search on pics it helps. good luck