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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Brisbane is turning Blue.....

Light it Up Blue... Brisbane

Another quick update.... Brisbane City Hall is also on board to support World Autism month.
I received an email from Autism Queensland a few days ago, confirming that Autism Speaks has organised for our city hall to go blue on the 1st of April.
Finally Brisbane is becoming involved.

Today I organised flyers to be sent home in our school newsletter to support the "Light It Up Blue Campaign, asking for parents to change a household light to blue for the month of April.
Previously there has been no real "Autism Support" promoted through my children's school, but as my youngest is now full-time and in year 1, it makes sense to alert all families within our community. I think many of you would be amazed at how many affected families there are in Australia and throughout the World

As the numbers of ASD children is increasing every year, and more and more kids on the spectrum enter mainstream schools, the need for resources and training of teachers and aides, also rises. Schools are having to find funding to support these children out their own pockets, as the dollars just have not been allocated by the  Australian Government. The reality is for our state.....Education Queensland is highly supportive of inclusive education, but will not financially offer any extra teacher training or more aide time, to allow children with special needs, the right to equality within education. Some parents are  forced to fund-raise, just to pay for extra teacher aide hours, or they donate specialised equipment  to support their child within the school setting.  Our family has just donated an Apple Ipad to our school for my son to use. This was obtained through funding and will a great resource for him, but it was a difficult process.  
Personally, those living with ASD,  have enough challenges to face every day.... just trying to get through a routine..... we don't need any more !
I guess that is where parents need to lead the way and Rise Up! 
Alert your school and community about Autism.
Support this initiative, become your child's voice, 
and do whatever you possibly can.

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