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Monday, May 16, 2011



Aggghhhh... Monday again.  Is anyone else finding this year is just slipping by ?
Monday morning..... time to be positive for another week of my young son coping with the daily challenges that face him.  I wonder how he will do ?  I'm tired!..... feeling drained from hearing about the struggles day in, day out, at school. His teacher is supportive but it is still hard to hear about his disruptive behaviours.
I wish he would just settled and stop challenging authority!  I wonder who he gets that from!

Anyway time to organise myself and get ready to face a brand new day...... now where did I leave that "smile".......!
Got it... now onto the morning ritual.  Start the positive thinking.... he'll be O.k..... he'll be O.k...... I know he will be O.k.    Dang!  I have just glanced at my monthly calendar. This is depressing !  So many appointments... so many places to get to.... I wonder if I just hid in my bedroom, that anyone would really notice that I wasn't around?  The eldest might... when he needs a lift to school.... the youngest certainly wouldn't starve. He has been helping himself to food in the pantry for years!    Hmmmmmm....... better get my act together.  It's Monday morning, the sun is shining and it's the start of a new week.
Time to cross my fingers, toes, legs and arms... hoping and praying we can get through the next few days fairly unscathed.

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